DMECS Update Listing

February 16, 2018

DMECS Update Listing
Do you want to know what was updated on the Product Classification List (PCL)?

To easily identify the most recent PCL updates, we (PDAC) have created a monthly report with all product additions and updates made. View the DMECS Update Listing within the DME Coding System (DMECS) Info section of our (PDAC) website.

A notification will be sent via our listserv when the monthly report has been published to our website.

The report includes:

Field Name(s) Description(s)
Update Indicator Indicates if the line item is a new product added to DMECS or an update to a product listing.
  A = Addition of new product
  U = Update to previously coded product listing
Product Name The name of the coded product.
Manufacturer The company distributing or manufacturing the product.
Model Number The model number of the coded product.
HCPCS Code The five-digit alphanumeric HCPCS code assigned to the product.
Effective Date The most current date on which the product became valid to bill with the assigned HCPCS code.
End Date The date at which the product is no longer billable with that assigned HCPCS Code.
Comments Comments listed for product regarding certain ways to bill or specific information regarding the product.

The report will be posted monthly and a notification will be sent via PDAC listserv when a new report is available on the website.

Published by Noridian as the PDAC, February 2018. Republished by Palmetto GBA as the PDAC, January 2019.

Last Updated: 02/16/2018